Thursday, October 29, 2009

Family-Friendly alternative to MySpace and Facebook

Are you one of those folks who have not joined any of the online communities like My Space or Facebook because you think it is just for young people, it is unsafe, you been offended by some of the language and pictures or you just don't get it or understand how it works.

Well if this you, you maybe interested in a new website called Our

At Our you can create numerous photo and video albums - write a blog - participate in a forum - play games - meet new online friends or connect and share stuff with your friends and family.

The site filters certain words so you or your family will not be exposed to offensive language. All the pictures and videos are screened prior to them being posted.

Our Social is Free to join and is currently offering a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate to every 100th member that joins.

So why wait - come and check out this new family friendly site -
About The Author
Hi. I'm Jamila. I'm a fun loving, out going type person that's trying to do big to earn money online as well as help others along the way.
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