EDU Research Group provides feedback to us directly from the people who have attended these schools. We receive the criticisms, opinions and praises from the people who have been through the programs, walked through the campuses and eaten at the cafeterias. We then compile this information into easy to follow ratings and statistics that you can use to determine your best educational establishment.
Everyone should get a great education:
Using the information EDU Research Group provides we will be blessed with higher education establishments with improved programs, facilities, faculty and courses.
When evaluating a school EDU Research Group focuses on the following attributes:
- Quality of overall curriculum
- Quality of faculty
- Quality of facility
- Quality of post graduate preparation
- Quality of campus life
- Quality of sportsmanship / school spirit
Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting. :)
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You are doing such a great job with your blog here as well! Keep it up!
Oh and just to let you know, I'm not sure if it has to do with your layout, but whenever I try to post a comment and it goes to the word verification, the scroll button doesn't go down far enough so I can type in the letters. I always have to go View > No Style, in order to do it and have my comment submitted so might be something you wanna look into. :)
Maybe change the comment settings so the comment box comes up as a new window?
Just trying to help.. :)
TriNi @ make money online free
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