Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Weight Loss Journey

You may be wondering why I am writing this post in the first place. Well let me explain. If you have many extra pounds and you just want to get rid of them, I know how you feel. Believe me, I used to be in the same boat as you. So I know what it is like to not know if you will ever look the way you want to again. But I am writing this because I found a way to lose all my weight. And I want to share it with you, so that maybe you can use it to help you or maybe just inspire you that losing your extra weight is possible. Simple, just give me a chance. Listen to what I have to say. If it doesn't work for you, you haven't lost much. If it does work what have you gained? All you are risking by listening to me is a couple bucks and maybe the chance you will lose weight.

Here is my story...

Well first a little about me. My name is Jamila. I have lived in Atlanta for about 15 years. I started gaining weight from not eating right and not exercising at all. I just didn't have enough time to spend on myself. I gained about 80 pounds and I didn't really know what to do to get rid of it. But it was hard to be overweight. I found it hard to run after my nieces and nephews and I got tired easily. So, I was determined to lose the extra weight. I went out and bought some weight loss stuff, books, supplements etc, but none of that stuff did anything for me. I started to lose hope.

As I started to give up, I got lucky. Through an ironic series of events, in the end Premium Acai Berry helped me lose over 80 pounds! The story begins when me and my family were going on vacation. We were in the airport waiting for our flight to New York. There were two ladies sitting behind us on the airport benches. They were discussing weight loss. I was barely paying any attention to them until one of them mentioned that she had lost 60 pounds over the winter. Well that caught my attention so I listened to see if she would say how she lost that weight. She said that what she had used was something called acai berry. It was some supplement or something that came from the Amazon. Apparently she found out how great it was for weight loss and decided to give it a try. Much to her delight it had worked better than any other weight loss product she had tried. So she continued using it all winter and had lost 60 pounds with it. I was pretty excited after hearing this and thought maybe I would try it.

The next day we turned on the TV to check the weather and Oprah was on. Right before we switched the channel I saw she was talking about the acai berry. My husband laughed at how excited I was. I watched the whole show and got really convinced it would work for me. Immediately after the show ended I went on the internet to do some research and hopefully find some acai I could try. After an hour or 2 of searching and read hundreds of reviews I ordered a trial from some site I don't even remember. When I got home from vacation it was waiting at my door. Needless to say, I was pretty excited and I started taking it that day. I took the whole bottle, which was something like a one month's supply. Guess what? It didn't work. I didn't lose a single pound. I was discouraged a bit, but still determined acai could work for me. So I went on the internet yet again and found another site. This product didn't work either and I got charged some ridiculous fee. So I said ok one more try and then I will give up on acai. Well I found Premium Acai Berry that day. I ordered their free trial. It only cost something like a $5 shipping fee and I got the bottle in a couple days. It was a 2 week trial. After 2 weeks I had lost 5 pounds already! And now just over 4 months later I have lost all my extra weight!

The point im trying to make here is you can lose weight! You can get the body you want to have! Since it worked for me, I think the best way to lose it is with the acai berry supplement.

If you want to try out the Premium Acai Berry that I used you can get a free trial here. It costs something like $5 for shipping so it's no big deal. If it works you paid $5 to lose all your unwanted weight. If it doesn't work you are out one Starbucks Venti White Mocha Frap Double Blended with no Whip Cream and Extra Caramel Drizzle and 2 Shots, which you shouldn't have anyway :)

But in all seriousness, I hope this has inspired you to take action and try something to regain your body again. It worked for me so I know it can work for you! :)


About The Author
Hi. I'm Jamila. I'm a fun loving, out going type person that's trying to do big to earn money online as well as help others along the way.
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